Not sure if you're pregnant?

If you think you might be pregnant, you're probably wondering what the tell-tale signs are. Every woman is different, and every pregnancy is different, so it's tricky to say for sure.

However, there are some general symptoms that are worth watching out for. Here are a few of the most common ones.

Missed period

If you're experiencing pregnancy symptoms early but your period is MIA, you might be pregnant. Here's what you need to know.

Cramping, fatigue, nausea, food cravings—these are just some of the early signs of pregnancy. But if you're not sure whether you're pregnant or not, a missed period is often the most telling symptom.

Of course, there are other reasons why your period may be late (stress, weight gain or loss, hormonal imbalances), but if you're also experiencing any of the other early signs of pregnancy, it's worth taking a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms during pregnancy. They can occur at any time of day and can be severe enough to make you miss work or other activities. Nausea and vomiting usually start in the first trimester and peak in the second trimester. However, some women have these symptoms throughout their entire pregnancy. There are several things you can do to help relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Breast tenderness and changes

Many women experience changes in their breasts during pregnancy. These can include increased sensitivity and tenderness, as well as changes in size and shape.

Some women find that their breasts become larger during pregnancy, while others may notice that they become heavier or feel fuller. These changes are usually due to the increased blood flow and hormone levels in the body during pregnancy.

 Breast tenderness is often one of the first signs of pregnancy, and usually starts around the fourth week. This tenderness is caused by the increased blood flow and hormone levels in the body, and usually goes away after a few weeks. However, some women may experience breast tenderness throughout their entire pregnancy.


During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of changes. Some of these changes can cause fatigue.

Fatigue is a common symptom during pregnancy, and it can be caused by a number of things. Your body is working hard to support the growing baby, and this can take a lot of energy. Hormonal changes can also contribute to fatigue.

There are some things you can do to help manage fatigue during pregnancy. Getting enough rest is important. Exercise can also help give you more energy. Eating small, frequent meals can also help you avoid feeling tired.

Urination changes

For some women, they may find themselves needing to go to the bathroom more often than usual. This is due to the extra fluid being processed by the kidneys and put into the bladder. The amount of blood in the body also increases during pregnancy, which can also contribute to more frequent trips to the bathroom.

In terms of appearance, some women may notice that their urine looks darker than usual or has a strong odor. This is usually nothing to worry about and is simply due to the changes in hormones and increased blood flow. However, if you notice any unusual colors or smells, it's always best to consult with your doctor just to be on the safe side.

Mood swings

Pregnancy is a time of many changes, both physically and emotionally. It's no wonder that so many women experience mood swings during pregnancy!

Mood swings are one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, and can be caused by a variety of factors. Hormonal changes are one of the main culprits, as they can cause your emotions to fluctuate wildly.

It's also common to feel more anxious or stressed during pregnancy, as you worry about everything from the health of your baby to the upcoming birth. All of these emotions can lead to mood swings.

If you're experiencing mood swings during pregnancy, don't worry - you're not alone! Just ride them out, and know that they'll eventually pass.

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