What you need to know about toddler development

Having a toddler can be full of surprises and joy, but it is also important to understand their development. When it comes to toddler development, there are many factors that parents should be aware of. By understanding what to expect from physical, cognitive, and emotional development in toddlers, parents can help their child reach their full potential. From learning how to walk and talk to developing an understanding of emotions, there is much to learn about toddler development.

Physical Development

Physical development in toddlers is a crucial part of their overall growth and well-being. Knowing the expected physical milestones for your toddler can help you to understand what is normal and healthy, as well as when it’s time to seek professional help. From head to toe, understanding the basics of physical development during this crucial stage is an important part of parenting.

For starters, rapid growth in both height and weight takes place during early toddlerhood. As they become more mobile, coordination increases along with fine motor skills like using cutlery or drawer handles. At around 18 months old toddlers are often able to walk independently and by 24 months they may be running or even climbing up stairs. Physical milestones also include increased strength that allows them to push objects and lift small furniture items like chairs with ease.

Cognitive development

Cognitive development is an important part of a toddler's growth and learning. It involves their acquisition of knowledge, the ability to think and reason, as well as their problem solving skills. As parents, it is important to understand how cognitive development works in order to help our toddlers transition smoothly into childhood.

Toddler cognitive development involves the gradual formation of various skills such as language, memory, concentration and imagination. These skills can be developed through activities such as reading books together with your toddler or explaining everyday objects like food or utensils to them. Additionally, introducing your toddler to toys that require them to think critically also helps in stimulating their mental growth. Watching educational shows can also be beneficial for toddlers as they learn different concepts from them while being entertained simultaneously.

Social  / emotional development

Social and emotional development in toddlers is an important part of growth and development. It affects their relationships with others and the ability to understand the world around them. As a toddler develops socially and emotionally, they learn to communicate, form relationships, express themselves, regulate emotions and become more independent.

Learning social skills starts from birth through imitation of adults around them. Toddlers learn by watching how people interact with each other or when playing in groups. As a toddler grows, they will begin to identify feelings as well as recognize that other people have feelings too. This helps them understand why certain behaviors are expected such as kindness or sharing toys with siblings or peers. To foster healthy social and emotional development in toddlers parents should nurture positive interactions between children by modeling empathy towards others on a regular basis.

Communication skills

As toddlers develop and begin to explore the world around them, their communication skills rapidly grow as well. Toddlers start to pick up language from a very young age and are primed for learning. By the time they reach 18 months of age, most toddlers can say about 50 words and understand much more than that.

By 24 months of age, many children have an expressive vocabulary of 200-300 words. They also start to combine words together in sentences and use more complex sentence structure as they become increasingly aware of their environment. As they communicate with others, toddlers learn the rules and conventions of language including taking turns in conversations, making eye contact while speaking, adding inflection in their voice when asking questions and responding appropriately to different conversational topics.

Health & nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for a toddler’s growth and development. A balanced diet will ensure that your toddler gets all the nutrients they need to fuel their physical and mental development. It can be difficult to know what to feed a toddler, but there are some general guidelines that can help parents make sure their child is getting enough of the right foods.

Toddlers need plenty of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water each day. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains provide energy and fiber while proteins like lean meats and beans promote muscle growth. Fats are also important for healthy brain function; healthy sources include nuts, olive oil and avocados. Toddlers should also get daily servings of fruits and vegetables packed with vitamins and minerals. Finally, toddlers should drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

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