A Newborn photoshoot, a how to guide

A newborn photoshoot is always a good idea. It makes sure you have all the memories of your little one. It’s even recommended to start with a pregnancy photoshoot first, you can never have enough memories of everything kids related. A baby photoshoot can be done in different formats, of which we will give some examples in one of the paragraphs below.

In this post we dig deeper in what exactly you should take into account for a proper newborn photoshoot. Starting with the preparation, scheduling, choosing if you are going to take a photographer or do it yourself. Secondly, we’ll talk you through everything you have to take into account during the shoot. Next is all the info in relation to the post photoshoot process, this will mainly depend on you doing it yourself or working with a professional photographer for your baby photoshoot. Let’s start straight away!

Preparing your baby photoshoot

A successful newborn photoshoot DIY or professional photographer?

It’s needless to say that a professional photographer will have a certain cost. That being said, there are so many options to help yourself with todays technology. The decision to DIY or take a professional will probably also depend on you finding a professional having the room to add you in their schedule.

When do you start your search for a great newborn photographer?

Social media like Pinterest and Instagram are well established channels for you to look at. You can find a lot of inspiration there and using the right hashtags or places will help you find those close to home. Most of the time, you also have some friends walking the same journey, probably some of them are a little further in the journey compared to you. Go and check their accounts, do you like what you see? Great, check who was the photographer and contact them. Google is also a great source to find local baby photographers, however, it’s not that visual as social media.

A piece of advice, start your journey soon enough.

Once you know you’re pregnant, make your checklist and if a newborn photoshoot is on the list, don’t wait and start your search. Most newborn photographers leave some room in their schedule in order to move shoots due to delays in giving birth. So booking soon enough is mostly smarter in comparison to waiting and waiting, until it’s too late.

When is it too late for your newborn shoot?

This is by far the most personal question in the preparation phase. You have your own taste, and you choose yourself how you like your photos. Some of you will prefer a ‘Fresh48’ photoshoot, this type of newborn photoshoot is always executed within the first 48 hours after giving birth. This is in some countries combined with pictures during labour, however that’s more off topic.

Of course it’s not obligatory to do a photoshoot within the first 48 hours. Some childbirths are taking very long, resulting in baby and parents being exhausted to much.

Short answer to this question is: You have to decide yourself what suits you best, but never forget, once a moment passed by, it’s gone.

The best location for a baby photoshoot

In some cases, the photographer is responisble for the location of the photoshoot. Some of them own their own studio, others rent something or come over to your place to take the pictures. Some photographers specialize in taking pictures in the hospital. Going outside with a newborn for pictures is not recommended. But if you do, adapt your clothing and mainly your baby’s clothing to the situation.

Do you like a certain type of photography? take that into account in choosing the location (and the photographer). If you want a shoot with a lot of studio attributes, doing it at home is probably not the wisest decision to take.

The ideal clothes for your baby photoshoot

In order to choose the best clothes for your baby shoot, talk to your photographer. Most of them have a preference and for some it’s that important for them so they provide you with a guideline by mail. Follow the guideline, you chose a certain type of photography, they know how to get the best results out of it. You don’t have what they recommend? No problem, weren’t you looking for an extra excuse to go shopping?

Baby Photoshoot -1, preparing food, diapers and clothes.

You have your clothes, you’re preparing for your newborn shoot the day after. We would recommend you to go over what you need for the shoot. Make sure you have extra diapers, food and even some extra clothes, a little accident can always happen. Also, further in the article we talk about things to take into account during the shoot. Take a look at those too. Helping your kid smiling can be very hard if you’re not prepared.

During the newborn photoshoot

a comfortable environment.

First things first, or better, baby first. whatever you do, always think about your baby first. Make him or her comfortable during the shoot, talk to them, do they need a little nap, try to give them the nap. don’t stress out yourself, it’s not going to help. Also keep the environment warm, definitely if you have to change them once in a while.

Safety first, also during the baby photoshoot

sometimes it’s tempting to do things during a photoshoot, all for the picture, but deep down, you know that, what you’re doing is involving to much risks. just don’t, never. keep your baby comfortable and safe all the time.

The perfect newborn shoot? Soothing your baby is the key

If you want the best possible result, take the time to sooth your baby. Taking a couple of nice shots only takes minutes as long as your baby is happy. Prepare this beforehand. Bring his or her favorite tool with you. Talk and keep talking. You would be surprised how well they know your voice and how soothing it is for them in an unknown environment.

Working with the photographer

During the baby photoshoot, it’s very important for you to listen to the advice of the photographer and work with them for optimal results. They are often very experienced an know exactly what position the kid needs to be in for the best looking picture. Of course the communication is only as good as both of you are. If the photographer doesn’t provide any guidelines spontaneously, don’t hesitate to ask them. Whatever helps for your pictures. Do you have a specific request for a picture you would really like to have, try to discuss that beforehand. If you get inspired during the shoot, ask the open question if the photographer sees opportunities to handle your wishes or not.

Post Newborn photoshoot guidelines

Good agreements, great friends

Before you set expectations, make sure you make agreements with your photographer. When will he or she deliver? What amount of pictures will be delivered? What is the business model of the photographer? Do you get 10 pictures and are all the others to be paid extra for, or do you get a bigger selection of 60-70 for example made by the photographer? Both options are possible, but in the end it’s the photographer’s decision which approach he or she uses. Respect that, and even more important, however we only mention it here in the Post newborn photoshoot guidelines, make sure you know this in advance. If you don’t like it, work with someone else.

If you have to choose, how do you pick the right pictures

Let’s say you are responsible of the selection of photo’s, how do you choose? First of all, this will mainly be the case where you have to pay per selected photograph. It can be tempting to choose every single photo on the longlist (i’ve been there) but just know that it’s sometimes easier to follow the guidelines below to make the right selection:

  1. Choose 1 picture per ‘pose’ to start
  2. Make sure you select multiple expressions (sleeping, smiling, even crying can be lovely)
  3. If you’re selecting for your interior, don’t forget to check the right positioning (landscape or portrait)

The physical processing of your photos

You made your selection, the digital versions are in your mailbox and you would like to have some printed out, or big prints for a frame or a complete photo book to watch over and over again. Think twice where you order is tip number one, some do deliver great quality, others will hurt your feelings with their delivery. Some photographers offer solutions themselves. This is advised to consider. Most of them have great vision and attention to detail. That means that often they can guarantee perfect quality. Besides, every photographer has it’s own style of editing. Some ways of editing look great on one type of paper, while being totally ruined on another. Your photographer probably knows all the ins and outs. However it will cost you a little more, it also frees you from extra stress which is certainly to avoid in the first months of your baby’s life.

Conclusion: newborn photography: yay or nay?

We would personally never want to miss the professional pictures of our little babies. With all the above tips, it should be a walk in the park for you to get the most out of this precious moment.

Contact your favorite photographer today to ensure yourself with a place in the schedule. Don’t you want to pay that much amount of money? Talk to a friend who can help you as a hobby photographer or read our blogpost about DIY newborn photoshoots.

Oh and whatever you do, don’t forget to smile.

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