Secrets to swaddling a newborn

Swaddling a newborn is an age-old practice that has been used for centuries to help soothe babies and encourage sound sleep. Done correctly, swaddling can provide essential comfort and security for your little one. But if done incorrectly, it can cause discomfort or even leave your infant at risk of becoming overheated or not being able to move freely. In this article, we will explore the secrets to swaddling a newborn safely and effectively.

Preparing to Swaddle

By wrapping a baby snugly in a blanket or wrap, you are helping them feel cozy while avoiding startling movements that may cause them to wake up. To prepare for your first swaddle, make sure you have a large receiving blanket or wrap that is made of breathable fabric like cotton. This will ensure your baby stays safe and comfortable during their swaddle session.

The most important part about learning how to swaddle properly is taking the time to do it correctly so it’s secure yet not too tight on your baby’s body.

Step by step

To begin swaddling your precious bundle, you must first place them in the blanket. This can be done by laying out the blanket with one corner folded up on one side, then carefully placing baby face-up on their back onto the center of the blanket.

Make sure that their head is above the folded corner and that their arms are beside them with hands below their chin. Now take both sides of the blankets and bring across baby’s body while tucking it under his or her feet at the bottom. Finally, fold down or tuck in any excess fabric at each end to ensure your little one is secure and cozy inside!

Tips for Safe Swaddling

When swaddling a baby, it's important to keep safety in mind. Swaddling is a time-honored way to provide comfort and security for babies, but there are some important points to consider when doing so.

First and foremost, parents should make sure that their baby can move his or her hips freely while swaddled. Make sure your baby is able to move their hips and knees freely to kick. Your baby’s legs should be able to fall into a natural position (like frog legs) rather than straight down.

Overly tight swaddles can put pressure on the hips, leading to hip problems such as hip dysplasia down the line. Loosely wrapping the blanket around the baby’s body ensures that he or she has plenty of room to move around comfortably.

Always put your baby to sleep on their back. Never put a swaddled baby to sleep on their front or side.

It's also important that babies are not over-heated while swaddled – this can increase their risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

If someone else looks after your baby, make sure they also know about safe sleeping advice and how to swaddle safely. Show them and explain safe swaddling and make sure they know to always put your baby to sleep on their back.

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